
They’re Playing With Fire - 1984 - USA

They’re Playing With Fire - 1984 - 5/10

English professor hires besotted student to varnish her yacht.
Once aboard, she puts the moves on him, followed by the pink sticky.
Afterward, she asks if he can do a teeny, tiny little favor for her.
Of a criminal nature.
Lest you roll your eyes, she is not your sophomore English teacher, but steamy Sibyl Danning.

She disrobes often, keeping our dim lad baffled and motivated, while events swirl.
This claptrap thriller is part dime mystery, part Slasher, part horny teenager flick.
Bodies pile up, support characters come and go for no reason, atrocious 80’s generic songs.
Garbage, but I’ve seen worse, and I shall likely watch even more dismal fare in the future.