
Day Of Resurrection - 1980 - Japan

Day Of Resurrection - 1980 - 4/10
AKA - Virus

You visit granddad at the nursing home. He could be better, or far, far worse.
In the lobby, strapped to wheelchairs, sit glass eyed residents, brains riddled with Alzheimer’s, and doped with sedatives to keep them docile. All have the IQ of a carrot.
Any of those human vegetables could have edited a better version of this Japan doomsday film than did the Hollywood turnips.

Pentagon bioweapons develop a virus that can exterminate life.
Not to fear, it is safely locked away in –– Wait! Now East German operatives have a vial and are flying to Moscow to – Oh no! They’ve hit an air pocket! Look out! There’s a mountain! Ka-boom!!! And the dying starts.
Headliners expire first (Glenn Ford, Sonny Chiba, Robert Vaughn, Ken Ogata, Henry Silva).
Leaving George Kennedy and his band of 800 survivors in Antarctica as the final humans.
800 men, 8 women. The latter are informed they will need to be generous, in a new, “sharing” world.
Despite explosions here and there, this movie is mind numbingly boring.
The full length, original Japanese version is allegedly superior. I wouldn’t know, nor will I ever.