
Flirting With Fate - 1916 - USA

Flirting With Fate - 1916 - 6/10

August is broke, behind on rent, can’t feed his two dogs. What’s his problem?
Oh, he’s a struggling artist. Say no more.
Still, he encounters a prim, starchy miss who makes his heart go boom-boom-boom.
Misunderstandings follow and then she troths to a rival.
In despair, Auggie hires Automatic Joe to murder him!
At which point, Fate laughs and turns the artist’s fortunes around.
Then the pace roars full throttle, with madcap chases, dizzying stunts, and farce humor.
Creaky film, threadbare plot, yet an excellent chance to witness Douglas Fairbanks in his prime.
Before he started making longer, heroic adventure films (not that those are lesser).