
La Dama Rossa Uccide Sette Volte - 1972 - Italy

La Dama Rossa Uccide Sette Volte - 1972 - 7/10
AKA - The Red Queen Kills Seven Times

“Centuries ago,” grandfather explains, “the black queen killed her sister, the red queen. But the red queen returned and killed six more people before killing her sister. And every hundred years, the curse repeats.”
“And when will the next hundred years be?” asks one girl.
“In 14 years …”
And so, 14 years pass. The sisters’ hate for each other escalates.
Until one accidentally kills the other.

Baffling Giallo set in the fashion world is loads of fun.
Part of the confusion stems from the two surviving sisters who look similar.
Also two of the models (one being Sybil Danning) who bear resemblance.

Delicious audio commentary by Alan Jones and Kim Newman.
Both are funny, informative, and extremely entertaining. It’s apparent they love this film.