
The Murderer’s Muse - 2018 - Germany

Die Muse Des Mörders - 2018 - 6/10
AKA - The Murderer’s Muse

Blue smoke curls from the crushed cigarette, drifting away like memories best forgotten.
The glass of wine Is now lukewarm, sour, like the restless audience that came to see a has-been.
Madeleine, the matriarch of crime fiction, has outlived her era.
Her books sell poorly. Younger generations want flashier, if lesser, writers.

Out of the blue, an unknown killer leaves a victim, and stages the scene from an episode in her book.
Even better for her comatose career, he / she proves to be a serial killer, copying from more of her novels!
Murder, ain’t that a kick?
Decent mystery / thriller is predictable, but has sharp dialogue.