
Scent Of Mystery - 1960 - USA

Scent Of Mystery - 1960 - 6/10
AKA - Holiday In Spain

Vacationing Mr Larker thinks he witnesses a murder attempt and becomes a busy body.
The target, a fetching female, informs him how very mistaken he is.
Nevertheless, with a foot-dragging cabbie (a droll Peter Lorre), he continues to meddle.
Despite the shallowest of plots, the picture quality and scenery of Spain is breathtaking.
In 1960, this was a wide, three screen Cinerama production.
The print I saw had been seamlessly configured into the Smilebox format.
Originally, this was also released in Smell-O-Vision (another gimmick to lure TV viewers). Missing here, but you can figure out what the aromas were and where.
Empty headed, but should please those drawn to this.