
Dirty God - 2019 - UK

Dirty God - 2019 - 7/10

Jade is a victim / survivor of an acid attack.
The NHS repairs the facial damage, but they do not, nor seemingly will not, restore her beauty.
Jade is poor, young (I’d guess 18), lives with her mom in a council estate, or crashes on a friend’s couch.
She also has a daughter, though she is an indifferent mother, at best.
More than anything, Jade desperately wants a reset button to restore her life before the disfigurement.
The film reads like a book of bad decisions.
Many of those she makes because she is young and inexperienced.
Her choices, moreover, are narrow, restricted, confined by limitations of education, wealth, class.
While this evokes Ken Loach, a trickle of redemption weeps in and out, offering the sliver of hope.