
Yakuza Goddess: Erotic Code Of Honor - 1973

Yakuza Goddess: Erotic Code Of Honor - 1973 - 6/10
AKA - Yakuza Kannon: Iro Jingi // やくざ観音 情女仁義

A monk rescues a young woman from a group of mob enforcers.
Soon afterward, they succumb to fevered passions and share fluids beside a raging waterfall.
She is the daughter of a Yakuza boss – and – as it turns out, half sister to the monk.
Shame, guilt, mortification? Nope. Instead, “Oh, that explains why we are attracted to each other!”
Their couplings rollick along, amidst chases and intergang shootouts.
The artistry in this pinku leaves a lot to be desired.
Any sequence with bush brushing is obscured by a big black square.