
L’année Des Méduses - 1984 - France

L’année Des Méduses - 1984 - 6/10
AKA - Year Of The Jellyfish

Beach story of young girl (from sixteen to eighteen) learning ébats de boudoir.
She is attracted to an older male, a cross between pimp and gigolo.
To her annoyance, he finds her mother more alluring.
The girl hones her seduction technique on others, from cynical jades to unwary innocents.
When injuries occur, too bad.
Cynical narrative of souls lacking moral compass.
An unexpected and, for me, enjoyable surprise, is the score, which seems lifted from a period Slasher film.
Menacing, descending scales and staccato reveals! Out of place, yet rather amusing.

Viewer alert - Most of the proceedings transpire on a class conscious nude beach.
Brace for generous displays of full frontal nudity.